Monday, June 22, 2009

Your Personality Determinded By Your Favorite Color???

As a practicing psychic, you learn that there's no such thing as a coincidence, each and every thing happens for a reason.

There's the zodiac, numerology, tarot readings, palm readings, and numerous of other ways to tell us about ourselves.

It's definitely not a proven fact, but I do believe that our favorite colors can tell us more about us than what we think.

Allow me to share a few examples of favorite colors and personalities.

Red: One who has the color Red as a favorite usually is an over the top, divalicious attention whore. Self-confidence is through the roof, but not so conceited you can't stand them. They may be a Diva, but they're usually really sweet.

Yellow: One who favors the color Yellow is known to be promiscuous. They love to have fun, party, and enjoy life...but definitely are NOT prudes in the bedroom. ::wink::

Orange: One who favors the color Orange is the best to ask for fashion advice. They're usually stylish, hip, and keep up with the latest fashion trends.

Black: Bold, daring, and a risk taker. Has an in-your-face attitude and great at socializing with others. Usually people who favor the color Black has a large amount of friends.

Green: Uses lots and lots of profane language. Very nice people, but have NASTY mouths. Probably someone you don't want around young children because they will speak whatever it is on their minds.

Purple: Loves money, but money doesn't love them. Terrible with saving money but loves shopping sprees.

Teal (or Sky Blue): Very creative and a dreamer. Loves the beauty of each and everything. Wants the world to be beautiful. Hates confrontation and loves peace all around...but don't mistake it, they're no punks. You'll get f*cked up if you piss them off. LOL

Brown: Brown is very interesting. People who favor this color usually are very friendly people, but are usually 2-faced and will talk about you behind your back. Very sneaky but RARELY get caught. Very good at what they do, especially infidelity.

and lastly

Blue: Very stand off-ish and may appear to be stuck up, but they're far from it. Really nice people and are more than likely to donate a large amount of funds to a worthy cause, especially if it has to do with saving children.

If I didn't post your favorite color I'm sorry. I only posted the most common colors that people favor.

1 comment:

  1. oh gosh... teal or sky blue described me at an exact man XDD! And i do love both those colors. all shades of blue really..but im too indecisive to pick just one... also plain old blue kind of describes me a lot
