Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Soilder Infects Young Boy With H.I.V.

Pfc. Johnny Lamar Dalton

This is truely sad and disappointing.

When you think of a soilder, you think of a virile, masculine man with a good head on his shoulders, ready to protect and serve our country.

The last thing you would think about is a 25 year old soilder, married with a 4 year old daughter, pleading guilty to passing H.I.V. to a young (underaged) boy that he met in an online chatroom.

In Fort Brag, NC, Private First Class (Pfc.) Johnny Lamar Dalton, a member of the 82nd Airborne Division, pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated assault by means likely to cause grievous bodily harm or death and one count each of committing an indecent act, violating an order from an Army officer to inform sexual partners of his HIV status, and using marijuana, reports.

Military judge Col. Patrick Parrish sentenced Dalton to 40 months in military prison, a reduction in rank to private and a dishonorable discharge. The prosecution had requested six years in confinement in addition to the discharge. also reports that Dalton broke down in tears during the hearing, apologizing to his wife and daughter for his dumbass actions.

The unidentified boy is now 18 years old, which means that he was underaged at the time of his having unprotected sex with Dalton.

Dalton claims that they were "caught up in the moment".

2 words: Giiiiiirl BOOM! You were definitely old enough to know what you were doing was wrong, Mr. Dalton, no matter what "moment" you were caught in. And when you stepping out on your wife, you should've had condoms on deck. I see these as extremely selfish, and dumb actions.

Now your daughter is going to have to basically grow up without her father.

The fact that he was crying in court like a little biz-nitch bothers me. Clearly he wasn't thinking about his wife, Mrs. Tarika Dalton, and his daughter when he was sticking his raw d*ck in some underaged booty.

Mrs. Dalton testifies that she's going to stand by her husband. She told reporters "My husband is not a bad person and is definitely sorry for what he's done." I respect that...but also find her to be a little slow in the head. (Aint no way in hell I'd stay with a mutha f*cka that do some crazy sh*t like that)

The young boy's mother, who prefers to remain annonymous, said that she would've preferred a longer sentence, but was glad the case has been resolved.

*Peep the link WRAL's video of the story below*


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