Sunday, June 28, 2009

Racism on Twitter???

As the 2009 BET awards aired, most tweeted their opinions about the award show on their Twitter pages (I know I sure did LOL).

Because of the mass tweets about the award show, BET, and a great amount of black celebrities became Trending Topics on social networking site.

Apparently some people were upset about Trending Topics because they were too "black" or "ghetto".

Someone brought to my attention, and some of what people posted to there Twitter pages last night shocked me...and honestly NOTHING really surprises me these days.

A couple of examples were:


SMH. Please take a few minutes to view some of the most ignorant "tweets". The website again is

P.S. Follow me on Twitter: @DerekIsNormal


  1. omg wow.. idk about that!

  2. Dang man that is trippy.

    I couldn't check out the links thouguh so that sucks =/

    I probably should have gotten to it whenever you first posted it...

    They wanted to save face so they deleted it.

  3. At least you didn't blur out the names of the people... I mean I wouldn't do this...but at least SOME body can go find them out and put them in their places.
