Sunday, June 21, 2009

Prostitution, Smart Career Choice?

Let's face it, we're in a recession and times are hard. Companies are filing for bankruptcy, and hundreds of people are losing jobs every day with no luck finding a new one. So what do you do?

How about selling sex, or companionship for money. Before you turn your nose up consider this: in Oakland, CA, the average prostitute's salary is an estimated $76,000 annually according to, and these are just average girls standing on the street corner (without a drug habit), not high-classed escorts, whereas the average teacher's salary in Oakland, CA is an estimated $56,000 annually.

Face it, sex sells, whether you're female or male. It's the American way, and has been for a very long time.

So the next time you see a woman standing on the corner, or here these stories on the news about escorts and burlesque houses, don't judge them because they may be making more money than you and your honest living.

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