Saturday, June 20, 2009

PETA Getting On My Damn Nerves!

I respect those that fight for a cause they believe in, but when the cause is complete nonsense, that's where we have a problem.

I love the fact that the PETA organization are vegetarians, because as a faithful meat eater, I couldn't do it, and also they fight for innocent animals that can't defend themselves.

But come on...a fly? Seriously?

Instead of protesting in front of a slaughter house, and throwing red paint on those that wear fur like they usually do, they're all on The President's nuts because he swatted a fly out of his face during an interview.

I know one thing...These mutha f*ckas need to learn a lesson and leave people hell alone.

One day, I'm going to round up a group of meat eaters and fur wearers, we're going to go to a PETA protest rally purposely wearing fur coats, and when these f*ckers come toward us with paint, we're going to mace them and beat them with bats.

1 comment:

  1. wooow.. man i saw that on the news... they didn't really trip because they just wanted him to get rid of it humanely...but actually they were tripping for even calling it to attention, what about fly zappers and insecticides and pesticides and pest controls... bugs get killed all the time...they just wanted publicity. so yeah i would go ahead and round up your meat eaters and fur wearers but please, please video tape it.
