Thursday, June 18, 2009

Your Fiance's a Porn Star...And You Don't Know??? think you know someone. You fall in love, plan a wedding, and then you find out he's a PORN STAR. ::GASP::

Haylie Hockling found out her fiance, Jason Brake, was making porn, without her knowledge, just weeks before the wedding.

Hockling found out after her friend was organizing her bachelorette party looking for male strippers, and came across a porn clip with Brake and another woman.

Brake told Hockling that he was a personal trainer and and admitted to making adult films on the side before they met.

"There was no way I could marry an adult film star," Hockling said. "I don't know if I will ever be able to trust a man again."

Overreacting much? I bet you weren't complaining when he was throwing that porn star quality penis at you in the bedroom. Mmm hmm.

"The sex side is purely for the camera, but Haylie did not understand I was only acting," Brake said. "I am sorry and did not want to hurt her. I still love Haylie and would have stopped doing porn if she had asked me to."


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