Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Usher Gaining Weight?

Ok...what in the hell?

I know a divorce can be a long, devastating, depressing experience,

but tell me, how can 1 go from this:

to this:

Tameka fired his personal trainer too? I mean seriously, he has man-boobies! I'd never thought I'd see the day. Poor Usher. You're in my prayers sweetheart.


  1. he definately did fall off, but isn't he getting up there in age?

    i am just searching for a supplement for this poor guy at this point.

  2. i guess i could agree with person below... im not gonna say anthing tho

  3. leave da man alone, he was married to the anti-Christ, let him do him, u know he'll get it together b4 his new LP drops and he has 2 do videos and what not...

  4. Oh gosh no D=

    Usher has MOOBS!!!!!!

    ....and now what is that about his wife being the anti-christ...
