Friday, June 26, 2009

Singers/Rappers The Best At Oral Sex???

Music lovers may have another reason to adore those that posses singing and rapping abilities.

It's definitely not a proven fact, but rumor has it that those that can sing and/or rap are the best at oral sex.

Many Singers and Rappers have mastered the art of breathing which allows them to hold a long note or spit 16 bars with no problem.

No wonder Musicians, Singers, and Rap artist get the most booty. (Haha)

Personal experiences would definitely support this theory, but then again I don't know.

All my singers and rappers out there, email me and tell me you think?

Also, those that have personally been with a singer or rapper, let me hear your opinions as well.

The email is

I will share your opinions and experiences on a different blog post. :-)

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