Sunday, June 28, 2009

Do You Have Terrible Dandruff???

Trust me, it's NOTHING to be ashamed of. It's more common than you think.

Personally, 2 years ago I had this problem. I have a skin condition called Eczema and it caused bad dandruff. My scalp was so bad that I could scratch my head into a bowl and it would look like a bowl of Corn Flakes cereal. LOL Funny, but I'm serious.

Fortunately there's a shampoo that resolve that issue. It's called Nizoral. Forgive me for sounding like an infomercial, but this shampoo REALLY works.

It's a medicated shampoo that you don't need a prescription for. It's so great that you wouldn't believe that you can buy something this powerful over the counter.

And the best part is that it works on ALL hair types. No lie!

You can purchase Nizoral at your local retail store (Target, Wal-Mart, CVS, Walgreens, etc etc).
It's a little pricey ($13-$18 a bottle) but it's definitely worth it.

If you don't believe me, ask your cosmetologist. I'm sure they'll agree. ::wink::


  1. lol nice picture, thanks for the info's have a very nice blog here. so how did that work on your head? you have to keep using it, or did it eliminate the problem

  2. thanks, i have a similar conidition to ezema called tenia vescolor..something like that, the break outs only occur once in a blue moon but i still have bry skin at time and bad dandruff.
