Friday, June 26, 2009

Are You A Modern Day Hedonist?

The Dictionary defines "Hedonism" as devotion to pleasure as of way of life.

You learn in Greek and Roman mythology that Hedonism was notorious back in those days. You had people eating good foods, partying, and experiencing sex with multiple partners whether it be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual sex.

Most would frown upon this type of behavior, but a plethora of people engage in this type of behavior.

What I mean by "Modern Day Hedonist" is when one has a drug happen (weed smokers, crack smokers, pain killer addicts, etc etc), a person that's promiscuous and has great sex with lots of people, or swingers (couples that have sex with other couples).

So would you consider yourself a modern day Hedonist? Please answer the poll below.

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