Monday, June 22, 2009

Perez vs Will.I.Am (Which one is lying?)

Following up on the post from earlier today, I sat and watched statements from both Perez Hilton and Will.I.Am and obviously one of them is telling a fib. But which one?

My guess is definitely Will.I.Am! His story makes absolutely no sense and goes around in circles, whereas Perez explained the event in full detail.

You learn, by watching the videos, that it was NOT Will.I.Am that attacked Perez. Perez explanins in his statement that Will.I.Am's manager Polo [Molina] attacked him after an argument that he had with Will.I.Am.

Will.I.Am explains in his statement that a crazed fan attacked Perez.

So who's telling a story? (???) Watch the videos below and judge for yourself

Perez Statement (Part 1)

Perez Statement (Part 2)

Will.I.Am Statement

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