Thursday, June 18, 2009

Does Suze Orman REALLY Know What She's Talking About?

Hell Yeah!!!

Nevermind her terrible haircuts, because she knows exactly what smart money management is.

Question: Got a good paying job but always broke?

Got NO money saved?

In your late teens or early 20s, on your own and living check to check?

Got student loans and feel that you're going to be paying them forever?

If you can answer "Yes" to ANY of these, your next step should be purchasing The Money Book for the Young Fabulous & Broke by Suze Orman.

This is not your average money saving book. She goes in detail of what it is an individual needs to learn when it comes to money and everyday life. The book shows you how to get your own personal portfolio on her website, and even tells you what to look for when apartment or house shopping. This book is inexpensive, a must have, and delivers exactly what it promises.

Visit Suze's website

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