Saturday, June 27, 2009

PPOV: Will I Find A Job?

D(dot) Johnson Reader, Krystal, sent an email asking for advice from a Psychic's point of view.

Her email says:

"Hey Derek,
I love the blog. I understand that you're psychic so I have a question. Will I find a job? I was laid off for a company I was with for 2 years. It's been 3 months and I've had no luck. Will I find a damn job? It seems I'm putting my resume out there and no one is calling me back.

Thank you,

Hey Krystal!!! First of all I want to thank you for the support! Be sure to tell your friends and family about the blog. :-)

Now on to business, I see that you weren't happy at your job, so being laid off wasn't a big issue for you. Your only problem is money and where your next pay check is coming from because your savings account it is getting low. Don't worry, you will find a job within the next 3 weeks, someone that is impressed by your experience will contact you offering an interview and you're going to blow them away. So that's taken care of...

Also I'm sensing some sort of unfinished business. Something is telling me that you want to go back school. Right now is the perfect opportunity since you're out of work even if that means going to school part time.

Don't worry girl. This situation is only temporary. ::kisses::

-If you have ANY questions you want answered from a psychic's point of view, send me an email If you want to remain Anonymous please specify that in your email. NO question is taboo.-

For entertainment purposes only.

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