Friday, September 25, 2009

*I'm Normal T.V.* Poetry!!!

Singing and poetry is a hidden talent of mine. Some friends and I went to a poetry reading (Words of Wisdom in Chapel Hill, NC) and had a blast. Check me out a long with some friends.

Me reading "Making Love To That Special Someone"

Naturally Alise reading "Tongue Twisted" (One of my favorite pieces by her) Thanks for dedicating it to me Lise-Pooh! Love you *muah*

and lastly Vespertine reading "Flamboyant" which was dedicated to Jeremy Smoot. R.I.P. Jeremy

Sunday, September 13, 2009

*I'm Normal T.V.* I Love Roller Coasters!

I wanted to share this experience with you guys, so I took the camera on the roller coaster with me!

::whispers:: Try not to laugh too hard. ;-)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Cartoon Fruit on Candy Having Sex. Man Outraged.

In the United Kingdom, Simon Simpkins (yes, I laughed at the name too) was furious when he noticed the that the labels on Haribo's MAOAM candy had cartoon fruit that looked as if they were engaging in sexual activity.

Simpkins said that "The lemon and lime are locked in what appears to be a carnal encounter. The lime, who I assume to be the gentleman in this coupling, has a particularly lurid expression on his face."

He said he had a "heated exchange" with the store manager, but his wife became distressed and needed to sit down. (As if the store manager had anything to do with the pictures on the labels, but oh well.)

According to the candy label is now causing an uproar in Europe.

Personally, I think those that are offended by it are either perverts, or don't have enough sex in their life, but that's just MY opinion.


Top 10 Good Paying Jobs...Without a Degree

In this economy, looking for a job seems like a job itself, and when you don't have at least an Associates Degree, it makes the job searching process much harder.

Well, according to AOL jobs, great paying jobs are indeed available, and you don't need any type of degree to apply for them.

The top 10 great paying jobs without a degree are:

10. Medical facility housekeeping manager
Salary: $55,368/year
Primary duties: Managing the workers and housekeeping program in medical facilities to uphold sanitary and orderly conditions.

9. Home-care aide supervisor
Salary: $56,157/year
Primary duties: Directing aides who care for elderly or disabled people in a home environment, and monitoring the quality and quantity of services provided.

8. Chemical supervisor
Salary: $57,472/year
Primary duties: Overseeing workers who make chemical products, verifying that chemical processes are followed.

7. Cable supervisor
Salary: $60,887/year
Primary duties: Supervising the activities of workers engaged in installation, maintenance and cable repair.

6. Lead carpenter
Salary: $63,345/year
Primary duties: Leading the on-site completion of construction projects and performing all types of carpentry work and finishing.

5. Web surfer
Salary: $70,604/year
Primary duties: Scouring through multiple Web sites to analyze and compare information and user experiences to collect information to help companies understand online users' behaviors.

4. Real-estate broker
Salary: $71,994/year
Primary duties: Securing real-estate transactions, selling real estate, renting properties and arranging loans.

3. Automobile service station manager
Salary: $72,246/year
Primary duties: Supervising gas stations and planning and implementing policy and procedure like hours of operation, workers' duties and prices for products and services.

2. Air traffic controller
Salary: $74,922/year
Primary duties: Controlling air traffic around airports according to established procedures and policies to ensure flight safety.

1. Margin department supervisor
Salary: $83,579/year
Primary duties: Overseeing a company's credit department, which manages customer credit accounts and approves or denies credit to customers.

If you're job searching, definitely take some time and visit to see what's available.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Alec Baldwin for Governor of Ohio?!?!?!

Yes Yes Yes, you read right!

Actor Alec Baldwin plans to run for Governor of Ohio, following Governor Schwarzenegger's footsteps.

I was riding through Ohio listening to the radio (on the way to Michigan to a Family Reunion) and I heard this news.

My mom always told me "if you have nothing nice to say, SHUT THE F*CK UP!" So I think I'm gonna take her advice right now.

But I will say this: that says a lot about our country if we'll vote an Actor into office for the third time. I'm just saying.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Man Caught Getting Freaky With Horse...AGAIN!

Rodell Vereen

Nasty ass South Carolina native, Rodell Vereen, was caught ON CAMERA having sex with a horse! The horse's owner, Barbara Kenley, caught him at shotgun point! (LOL Don't you love a gun carrying granny?!)

But the juice IS...This wasn't the first time. Vereen pleaded guilty last year to having sex with the same horse. He's lucky that he was sentenced to probation the first time, but he obviously hasn't learned his lesson. Now Vereen is serving some prison time.

Vereen's brother claims that Vereen is suffering from mental issues. Naw you think?!

Seriously...he couldn't find a chick that looks like a horse? I know South Carolina is full of them. I've seen them! LOL

Watch the video below.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

D. Johnson's Apology!

Hey guys!

I'm soooooooooo sorry that I haven't posted any blogs but I've been doing a LOT of traveling this month.

Love you all and thanks so much for the support!

And if there's ANYthing you want me to blog about or have any questions you want answered from a psychic's point of view, email me :-)


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Former Bad Boy Artist Loon Now A Muslim?

Wow...Someone please explain how can one go from


to this

That's a DRAMATIC change! I wonder what made him convert to Islam? I remember hearing that not only was he gay, he's a bottom (the receiver). But oh well...

Love, peace, and happiness my dude.

Peep the video below.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

OH NO!!!! Ron Weasley has Swine Flu!

Rupert Grint, 20, known best as Ron Weasley from the Harry Potter movies, is reported to have had a mild case of Swine Flu. :(

Grint has taken a view days out of filming, but has recovered and is well enough to attend London's premier of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Luckily, Grint's doctor has determined that he's not contagious.

Poor baby.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

New MTA Fares!!!

Those in NYC that use public tranportation will experience a fare hike as of Sunday, June 28, 2009.

Yeah it sucks...but what are you gonna do?! Complain and pay the new fares, that's what!

Visit for new fare information.

Racism on Twitter???

As the 2009 BET awards aired, most tweeted their opinions about the award show on their Twitter pages (I know I sure did LOL).

Because of the mass tweets about the award show, BET, and a great amount of black celebrities became Trending Topics on social networking site.

Apparently some people were upset about Trending Topics because they were too "black" or "ghetto".

Someone brought to my attention, and some of what people posted to there Twitter pages last night shocked me...and honestly NOTHING really surprises me these days.

A couple of examples were:


SMH. Please take a few minutes to view some of the most ignorant "tweets". The website again is

P.S. Follow me on Twitter: @DerekIsNormal

Do You Have Terrible Dandruff???

Trust me, it's NOTHING to be ashamed of. It's more common than you think.

Personally, 2 years ago I had this problem. I have a skin condition called Eczema and it caused bad dandruff. My scalp was so bad that I could scratch my head into a bowl and it would look like a bowl of Corn Flakes cereal. LOL Funny, but I'm serious.

Fortunately there's a shampoo that resolve that issue. It's called Nizoral. Forgive me for sounding like an infomercial, but this shampoo REALLY works.

It's a medicated shampoo that you don't need a prescription for. It's so great that you wouldn't believe that you can buy something this powerful over the counter.

And the best part is that it works on ALL hair types. No lie!

You can purchase Nizoral at your local retail store (Target, Wal-Mart, CVS, Walgreens, etc etc).
It's a little pricey ($13-$18 a bottle) but it's definitely worth it.

If you don't believe me, ask your cosmetologist. I'm sure they'll agree. ::wink::

Saturday, June 27, 2009

PPOV: Will I Find A Job?

D(dot) Johnson Reader, Krystal, sent an email asking for advice from a Psychic's point of view.

Her email says:

"Hey Derek,
I love the blog. I understand that you're psychic so I have a question. Will I find a job? I was laid off for a company I was with for 2 years. It's been 3 months and I've had no luck. Will I find a damn job? It seems I'm putting my resume out there and no one is calling me back.

Thank you,

Hey Krystal!!! First of all I want to thank you for the support! Be sure to tell your friends and family about the blog. :-)

Now on to business, I see that you weren't happy at your job, so being laid off wasn't a big issue for you. Your only problem is money and where your next pay check is coming from because your savings account it is getting low. Don't worry, you will find a job within the next 3 weeks, someone that is impressed by your experience will contact you offering an interview and you're going to blow them away. So that's taken care of...

Also I'm sensing some sort of unfinished business. Something is telling me that you want to go back school. Right now is the perfect opportunity since you're out of work even if that means going to school part time.

Don't worry girl. This situation is only temporary. ::kisses::

-If you have ANY questions you want answered from a psychic's point of view, send me an email If you want to remain Anonymous please specify that in your email. NO question is taboo.-

For entertainment purposes only.

Father Offers Adopted 5 Year Old Son To Sex Predator???

Frank Lombard, 42

I know that Durham, NC is my hometown and all, but some crazy sh*t be going down in the Bull City.

This sick ass is charged with offering up his adopted 5-year-old son for sex with a stranger he met over the Internet.

Frank Lombard, the associate director of Duke Hospital's Center for Health Policy, was arrested Wednesday evening at his Durham home as the result of a sting operation conducted by the FBI and Washington, D.C., police.

Lombard waived an extradition hearing Friday morning in Raleigh and will be taken to Washington next week to face charges, according to a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice.

Sick ass could face up to 20 years of prison.

Another sick bastard, who's facing his own child sex charges, led the authorities to Lombard, according to an affidavit by Washington Police Detective Timothy Palchak. The unidentified sick bastard told police that on 3 or 4 occasions he say Lombard perform oral sex and other sex acts on the child.

Lombard, and his dumb sick ass, invited an investigator posing on the Internet as a sexual predator to perform multiple sex acts on the child if he flew to North Carolina and even suggested which hotel the investigator should use.


Investigators got a search warrant and arrested Lombard in Durham. When they searched Lombard's home, investigators seized two webcams, five computers and a sex toy, among other items.

The state Department of Social Services placed two children at the home, including the 5-year-old, in protective custody.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Are You A Modern Day Hedonist?

The Dictionary defines "Hedonism" as devotion to pleasure as of way of life.

You learn in Greek and Roman mythology that Hedonism was notorious back in those days. You had people eating good foods, partying, and experiencing sex with multiple partners whether it be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual sex.

Most would frown upon this type of behavior, but a plethora of people engage in this type of behavior.

What I mean by "Modern Day Hedonist" is when one has a drug happen (weed smokers, crack smokers, pain killer addicts, etc etc), a person that's promiscuous and has great sex with lots of people, or swingers (couples that have sex with other couples).

So would you consider yourself a modern day Hedonist? Please answer the poll below.

Singers/Rappers The Best At Oral Sex???

Music lovers may have another reason to adore those that posses singing and rapping abilities.

It's definitely not a proven fact, but rumor has it that those that can sing and/or rap are the best at oral sex.

Many Singers and Rappers have mastered the art of breathing which allows them to hold a long note or spit 16 bars with no problem.

No wonder Musicians, Singers, and Rap artist get the most booty. (Haha)

Personal experiences would definitely support this theory, but then again I don't know.

All my singers and rappers out there, email me and tell me you think?

Also, those that have personally been with a singer or rapper, let me hear your opinions as well.

The email is

I will share your opinions and experiences on a different blog post. :-)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

Sunrise: August 29, 1958 - Sunset: June 25, 2009

The world has lost a legend. Many of us idolized Michael growing up. R.I.P. Michael Jackson. I think of you as immortal. You'll live forever in our hearts. My prayers go out to his family, friends, and fans.

We love you.


Make A Wish! (LMAO)

A girl named Rachel spotted this on a frat house fridge in champaign, illinois, adding: “said fridge was indeed revolting.”


R.I.P. Farrah Fawcett

Sunrise: February 2, 1947 - Sunset: June 25, 2009

At 9:28 a.m. PST at St. John’s Heath Center in Santa Monica, CA, one of Charlie's Angels, Farrah Fawcett, passed away. She had recently returned to St. John's for treatment of complications from anal cancer, first diagnosed three years ago.


You're now one of God's Angels.


Polo's Mugshot

And he's definitely not photogenic...

This is the mugshot of Polo Molina (Marino), the guy who allegedly punched Perez Hilton in the face in Toronto.

And the funny thing is Molina is on probation for a DUI arrest in California.

If convicted, he could serve 6 or more months of jail time.

You gotta give it to my boy(girl) Perez, he's smart. He's going to sue the pants off Black Eyed Peas and their management which will get him both money and air time. I aint mad at cha boo! *snap*


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Celebrities With Herpes???

Here's a list of Celebrities that were either rumored to have herpes, or have filed herpes related lawsuits:

Derek Jeter

Liza Minnelli

Robin Williams

Micheal Vick

Tony Bennett

David Hasselhoff

Paris Hilton

Ann Heche

Billy Idol

Mary-Kate Olsen


Aurbey O'day

Jay Z


Chris Brown

and lastly

George W. Bush

Remember, these celebrities (and former dumb ass president) were either RUMORED to have herpes (so we don't know for sure if they have it), or have filed herpes related lawsuits.

Man Attacked Over A Bologna Sandwich?!?!

In Oklahoma City, OK 24 year old Roger Hamilton was attacked for his bologna and cheese sandwich. Police say that Hamilton told them he was sitting on a bus station bench putting mayonnaise on his sandwich when he noticed a man staring at him.

The man punched Hamilton in the mouth, grabbed his sandwich and left.

Hamilton had a swollen lip and his face was covered in blood. The police report listed the value of the sandwich at 76 cents.

Police have yet to have found the attacker.

Daaaaaaamn homie. I know we're in a recession and all but do you REALLY have to beat a dude up for his bologna sandwich?!


Monday, June 22, 2009

Your Personality Determinded By Your Favorite Color???

As a practicing psychic, you learn that there's no such thing as a coincidence, each and every thing happens for a reason.

There's the zodiac, numerology, tarot readings, palm readings, and numerous of other ways to tell us about ourselves.

It's definitely not a proven fact, but I do believe that our favorite colors can tell us more about us than what we think.

Allow me to share a few examples of favorite colors and personalities.

Red: One who has the color Red as a favorite usually is an over the top, divalicious attention whore. Self-confidence is through the roof, but not so conceited you can't stand them. They may be a Diva, but they're usually really sweet.

Yellow: One who favors the color Yellow is known to be promiscuous. They love to have fun, party, and enjoy life...but definitely are NOT prudes in the bedroom. ::wink::

Orange: One who favors the color Orange is the best to ask for fashion advice. They're usually stylish, hip, and keep up with the latest fashion trends.

Black: Bold, daring, and a risk taker. Has an in-your-face attitude and great at socializing with others. Usually people who favor the color Black has a large amount of friends.

Green: Uses lots and lots of profane language. Very nice people, but have NASTY mouths. Probably someone you don't want around young children because they will speak whatever it is on their minds.

Purple: Loves money, but money doesn't love them. Terrible with saving money but loves shopping sprees.

Teal (or Sky Blue): Very creative and a dreamer. Loves the beauty of each and everything. Wants the world to be beautiful. Hates confrontation and loves peace all around...but don't mistake it, they're no punks. You'll get f*cked up if you piss them off. LOL

Brown: Brown is very interesting. People who favor this color usually are very friendly people, but are usually 2-faced and will talk about you behind your back. Very sneaky but RARELY get caught. Very good at what they do, especially infidelity.

and lastly

Blue: Very stand off-ish and may appear to be stuck up, but they're far from it. Really nice people and are more than likely to donate a large amount of funds to a worthy cause, especially if it has to do with saving children.

If I didn't post your favorite color I'm sorry. I only posted the most common colors that people favor.

Eating While Sitting On The Toilet???

That's how they get down in Taiwan. (LOL) No it's not what you think...

There's a toilet themed restaurant where they have weird and disgusting named foods. For exmaple, a "bloody poop" would be a strawberry sundae. LOL the things people come up with.


Perez vs Will.I.Am (Which one is lying?)

Following up on the post from earlier today, I sat and watched statements from both Perez Hilton and Will.I.Am and obviously one of them is telling a fib. But which one?

My guess is definitely Will.I.Am! His story makes absolutely no sense and goes around in circles, whereas Perez explained the event in full detail.

You learn, by watching the videos, that it was NOT Will.I.Am that attacked Perez. Perez explanins in his statement that Will.I.Am's manager Polo [Molina] attacked him after an argument that he had with Will.I.Am.

Will.I.Am explains in his statement that a crazed fan attacked Perez.

So who's telling a story? (???) Watch the videos below and judge for yourself

Perez Statement (Part 1)

Perez Statement (Part 2)

Will.I.Am Statement

Perez Hilton Attacked By Will.I.Am?!?!?

Perez Hilton mentioned on his twitter page, a little after 3am June 21st, that Black Eyed Peas group member Will.I.Am and his security guards attacked him!!!!

Click to enlarge the above picture and read the tweets from the bottom up!

What in the world is going on?!

Why would you pull something like that when Black Eyed Peas JUST released The E.N.D., album that features hit single "Boom Boom Pow"?

I wonder if there's "gay bashing" afoot?

I'll definitely post more on the story when I find out what REALLY happened.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Couple With Swine Flu Exchange Vows!

All I could say was wooooooow when I read this story. They say nothing can break true love, but DAYUM!

June 14th in Highland Park, IL Ilana Jackson and Jeremy Fierstien of Chicago wore surgical masks and latex gloves to their wedding. The couple found out less than 48 hours before the wedding that they had Swine Flu.

The couple decided to go on with the ceremony after their doctors assured them that their guest wouldn't be put at serious risk.

To be sure, they also stayed 10 feet away from guests at all times, even walking around the gathering instead of down the aisle at a Highland Park synagogue.

Jackson says they'd joked about swine flu after both experienced vomiting, achy limbs and fever. But they never thought they really had it.

She says the circumstances were unfortunate but they have a good attitude about it.

That's a test to see who your true friends are. Your REAL friends would attend your events, no matter the circumstances.

I know that I would've kept my ass home...but would've sent a wedding gift via Fed-Ex.


Prostitution, Smart Career Choice?

Let's face it, we're in a recession and times are hard. Companies are filing for bankruptcy, and hundreds of people are losing jobs every day with no luck finding a new one. So what do you do?

How about selling sex, or companionship for money. Before you turn your nose up consider this: in Oakland, CA, the average prostitute's salary is an estimated $76,000 annually according to, and these are just average girls standing on the street corner (without a drug habit), not high-classed escorts, whereas the average teacher's salary in Oakland, CA is an estimated $56,000 annually.

Face it, sex sells, whether you're female or male. It's the American way, and has been for a very long time.

So the next time you see a woman standing on the corner, or here these stories on the news about escorts and burlesque houses, don't judge them because they may be making more money than you and your honest living.

Happy Fathers Day!!!

Happy Fathers Day!

Dads, this is YOUR day, so grab the kids, go play some football, have some ice cream, or go roller skating.

To the sorry ass "baby daddies" (you know exactly who you are), it must feel good to not get any calls, cards, or gifts from your children or their mothers, but this is still "Fathers Day", so in enjoy it, or at least try to, deadbeat.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wendy's Employee Kills Co-Worker!

Thomas Theo Brown
Thomas Theo Brown

Instead of flipping burgers, or making frosties, you shoot a co-worker. If that's not some ghettofied sh*t, I don't know what is. SMH

In Jacksonville, FL at around 2:30pm on Thursday June 18th, Gunshots were fired inside of a Wendy's in the 3000 block of St. Johns Bluff Road on the Southside.

Police say they are searching for Mr. Thomas Theo Brown, whom they've identified as a suspect in the fatal shooting.

"He went home and he said in a rage, 'I'm tired of this. I'm going to kill whomever,'" said JSO Sgt. Derrick Lewis.

Police said Brown returned to work with a gun and shot and killed fellow employee 22-year-old Juanese Miller.

There were several people inside the restaurant eating when the shooting happened.

Miller's family said the victim worked at the Wendy's for only a few months and that she was trying to earn a living so she could take care of her 3-year-old daughter.

Miller's family said it had not heard about any problems between Miller and Brown.

That's a damn shame. A DAMN shame.


PETA Getting On My Damn Nerves!

I respect those that fight for a cause they believe in, but when the cause is complete nonsense, that's where we have a problem.

I love the fact that the PETA organization are vegetarians, because as a faithful meat eater, I couldn't do it, and also they fight for innocent animals that can't defend themselves.

But come on...a fly? Seriously?

Instead of protesting in front of a slaughter house, and throwing red paint on those that wear fur like they usually do, they're all on The President's nuts because he swatted a fly out of his face during an interview.

I know one thing...These mutha f*ckas need to learn a lesson and leave people hell alone.

One day, I'm going to round up a group of meat eaters and fur wearers, we're going to go to a PETA protest rally purposely wearing fur coats, and when these f*ckers come toward us with paint, we're going to mace them and beat them with bats.