Friday, August 28, 2009

Cartoon Fruit on Candy Having Sex. Man Outraged.

In the United Kingdom, Simon Simpkins (yes, I laughed at the name too) was furious when he noticed the that the labels on Haribo's MAOAM candy had cartoon fruit that looked as if they were engaging in sexual activity.

Simpkins said that "The lemon and lime are locked in what appears to be a carnal encounter. The lime, who I assume to be the gentleman in this coupling, has a particularly lurid expression on his face."

He said he had a "heated exchange" with the store manager, but his wife became distressed and needed to sit down. (As if the store manager had anything to do with the pictures on the labels, but oh well.)

According to the candy label is now causing an uproar in Europe.

Personally, I think those that are offended by it are either perverts, or don't have enough sex in their life, but that's just MY opinion.


1 comment:

  1. i agree with you >.>

    had i just seen the candy in the store without being told it looked like sex, i wouldn't have even thought of it that way....
