Friday, July 31, 2009

Alec Baldwin for Governor of Ohio?!?!?!

Yes Yes Yes, you read right!

Actor Alec Baldwin plans to run for Governor of Ohio, following Governor Schwarzenegger's footsteps.

I was riding through Ohio listening to the radio (on the way to Michigan to a Family Reunion) and I heard this news.

My mom always told me "if you have nothing nice to say, SHUT THE F*CK UP!" So I think I'm gonna take her advice right now.

But I will say this: that says a lot about our country if we'll vote an Actor into office for the third time. I'm just saying.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Man Caught Getting Freaky With Horse...AGAIN!

Rodell Vereen

Nasty ass South Carolina native, Rodell Vereen, was caught ON CAMERA having sex with a horse! The horse's owner, Barbara Kenley, caught him at shotgun point! (LOL Don't you love a gun carrying granny?!)

But the juice IS...This wasn't the first time. Vereen pleaded guilty last year to having sex with the same horse. He's lucky that he was sentenced to probation the first time, but he obviously hasn't learned his lesson. Now Vereen is serving some prison time.

Vereen's brother claims that Vereen is suffering from mental issues. Naw you think?!

Seriously...he couldn't find a chick that looks like a horse? I know South Carolina is full of them. I've seen them! LOL

Watch the video below.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

D. Johnson's Apology!

Hey guys!

I'm soooooooooo sorry that I haven't posted any blogs but I've been doing a LOT of traveling this month.

Love you all and thanks so much for the support!

And if there's ANYthing you want me to blog about or have any questions you want answered from a psychic's point of view, email me :-)


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Former Bad Boy Artist Loon Now A Muslim?

Wow...Someone please explain how can one go from


to this

That's a DRAMATIC change! I wonder what made him convert to Islam? I remember hearing that not only was he gay, he's a bottom (the receiver). But oh well...

Love, peace, and happiness my dude.

Peep the video below.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

OH NO!!!! Ron Weasley has Swine Flu!

Rupert Grint, 20, known best as Ron Weasley from the Harry Potter movies, is reported to have had a mild case of Swine Flu. :(

Grint has taken a view days out of filming, but has recovered and is well enough to attend London's premier of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Luckily, Grint's doctor has determined that he's not contagious.

Poor baby.
